Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Wind is insane

I'm trying to show the blowing ice and snow, but the particles are so small that they aren't really showing up in these pictures.
The white haze is blowing snow and ice, moving about 50 mph.
You may not see the blowing snow in this picture, but if you walked out there you would feel it. I think its just moving too fast to see. The haze that you see though is blowing ice and snow.
You can see that white haze around the lights which is snow.

I've never seen wind like this up here before. This is really nuts. NOAA is reporting gusts up to 55 mph at the airport, but I think maybe closer to 60 here. I went outside and got hit in the face with a chunk of blowing ice. It's really nuts. I'm going to try and post some pics but I don't think they do a good job of showing the blowing snow.

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