Saturday, December 26, 2009

So I was Santa tonight.

Here is what went down. On Christmas night the village gets together. Probably at least half the village shows up. They pray and sing songs and then they eat. The food is cooked by locals and handed out to people. Its good stuff, turkey, dressing etc... Well when its done Santa runs in and hands out the gifts. The gifts are stacked up around the tree. There are literally hundreds of gifts. I had a guy hand me the gifts and then I called out people's names and handed out the gifts. The problem with this is that this gym auditorium is packed full of people and screaming kids. So even with a microphone helping me out, I had to yell out 5-10 times the names of the people and the present and get it to them. And of course there were two or three little kids who thought it was funny to pretend to be someone else and grab their gift. I think we rounded all those up, but it still slowed us down.

Over all I had a great time, but my voice is dead.

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