Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stuck in Kotzebue

Well we are stuck in Kotzebue. I was afraid this would happen. When we left Anchorage, they told us that Frontier might not be flying and that Alaskan airlines might not even be able to land in Kotzebue. Well they had said we might get stuck in Nome, and to be honest I always wanted to go to Nome. We didn't get stuck in Nome though, we got stuck in Kotzebue. Kotzebue is... not so much. Its basically a big Point Hope. The internet here is slow and like PHO, it doesn't have much in the way of trees or such. It does have some small treelike things though. It also isn't dark here all the time like it is in PHO right now. And it has two or three hotels and a few restaurants, which PHO certainly does not have.

I am still going to wait until we are back in PHO to download any new pictures, but I have a ton of them. I probably should have downloaded them in Anchorage where we had a real internet connection, but I didn't. I'll get on it shortly though.

I really don't think the North Slope would be all that bad if it had real high speed internet, but without it, its a very boring place at times. But then I'm a computer junkie and living without high speed internet is hard for me.

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