Thursday, December 17, 2009

I committed a theft today.....

Today I was at the hotel here in Kodiak getting a complimentary coffee from the lobby. Afterwards I wanted to inquire about the cost of a sweatshirt from the hotel and to see if they had my size. No one was at the counter. I waited for about thirty seconds and was about to walk off when I saw it. Right there in front of me, almost as if by magic, was an open bottle of Kahlua. Now remember, I had a cup of coffee in my hand.....

Nervous at first, I shouted out "is any body here?"

No one replied.

I started to reach for it, but figured I would be caught. So I decided to try another shout out. I shouted out,"If no one comes to the counter, I am going to steal a couple of shots of Kaluha."

No one came, so I quickly reached over the counter and filled my coffee cup to the brim. . . .

Ah well, for all I know tbe Kahlua may well have been complimentary as well... although I doubt it as it was sitting back behind a plant.... Ah well I doubt they will notice an ounce or two missing....

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