Thursday, December 31, 2009

Point Hope at High Noon

Point Hope at High Noon.

The sun is out there.

Just over the horizon.

And there it is... kind of.


  1. Derek,
    Things are sure mighty different up there, and incredibly colder. Since you used to live here, you can appreciate the unbelievable fact that we have had about a week of freezing and below freezing temperatures in Fernandina, with more coming. Global Warming!! In the mid-20's for several nights on the ocean. Nothing like what you have up there, but I think for 2010, we killed some bugs down here. Enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work, Santa, and hope all is going well for you. Take care, and stay in touch. Mike C

  2. Yeah I lived in Fernandina for about 37 years, give or take 5 or 6 when I was moving about.... I'm pretty familiar with how it rolls. That is chilly, although we had some colder days back in the 80s. I remember some single digits, and we had snow in 89 that stayed on the ground for two days.
