Sunday, December 6, 2009

So another day,

Another day passed in Point Hope. I've got to be honest, today I did very little. I lazed around my apartment and did almost nothing. I am about over my cold from last week, but its left me tired. I needed a day off so I took it. I said... today I'm taking the day off and did. Which means I have to get up early and make my lesson plans and throw something together for class tomorrow which is bad, but with 2 weeks left in the semester, I am wearing out. I am looking forward to the 3 week break. I think its going to re-energize me and keep me going until the end. These little colds that have been assailing me all year have tapped my strength. I'll be glad when they are over. But now the end is in sight and I think things will be looking up. I know that things can be rough in school, and I know its rough on the students sometimes too. Thats something I have to keep in mind when a kid isn't doing their work. The school year is long and can drag on the soul and conscious. Sometimes you just need to put your head down and relax. I think we can all relate to that. I know I do right now..... A time to relax.... but the week starts tomorrow.....

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